Uses of Class

Packages that use TechnicalException Value Objects (VO) package. Tools package. 
jdbcadmin.core.util Utility package. 

Uses of TechnicalException in

Methods in that throw TechnicalException
 java.lang.String Table.getHeaderString()
          Retrieves a String with column namles, ready to display.
 void Line.addValue(java.lang.String aNomColonne, java.lang.String aVal)
          Adds a value

Uses of TechnicalException in

Methods in that throw TechnicalException
static JdbcInspector JdbcInspector.getInstance( aConfStream)
          Retrieve an instance of the inspector.
 java.util.SortedMap JdbcInspector.getFullTables(Schema aSchema)
          Retrieves fully filled tables (with columns and primary key)
Key of the map : table names
Tables are sorted by their name
 java.util.SortedMap JdbcInspector.getNakedTables(Schema aSchema)
          Retrieves the naked tables, without their columns Tables are sorted by their name
 java.util.Collection JdbcInspector.getColumns(Table aTable)
          Retrieves the table columns.
 java.util.Collection JdbcInspector.getPrimaryKeys(java.lang.String aTableName)
          Retrieves primary keys for a table.
 java.util.Collection JdbcInspector.getCalalogs()
 java.util.List JdbcInspector.getSchemas()
 void JdbcInspector.fillTable(Table aTable)
          Complete a table (columns and primary keys)
 Table JdbcInspector.getFullTable(Schema aSchema, java.lang.String aTableName)
          Retrieve a filled table
protected  boolean JdbcInspector.connect()
          If not initialized, creates or retrieves the connection and updates the database meta datas
 java.util.List aTable, int aIdxDebut, int aNbLines)
          Retrieves some lines from the specified table.
 void DataManager.insert(Line aLine)
          Insert the specified line in the database.
 void DataManager.update(Line aLine)
          Update the database with the specified line
 void DataManager.delete(Line aLine)
          Deletes the specified line from the database
static java.sql.Connection ConnectionFactory.getCnx(ConnectionInfo aConInfo)
          Init a JDBC connection using the specified connection informations
If the dataSourceJndiName property is specified, it will try to retrieve the connection from the datasource.
static ConfigurationHandler ConfigurationHandler.loadConfig( aConfStream)
          Loads the configuration using the specified stream
protected  boolean AbstractCnxUser.connect()
          If not initialized, creates or retrieves the connection

Uses of TechnicalException in jdbcadmin.core.util

Methods in jdbcadmin.core.util that throw TechnicalException
static java.lang.String SQLTypeConvertor.format(Column aCol, java.lang.Object aVal)
          String format of the column value
static java.lang.Object SQLTypeConvertor.parse(Column aCol, java.lang.String aVal)
          Parses the string value and return its object value
static java.lang.String SQLTypeConvertor.getSampleForColumn(Column aCol)
          Computes a sample value for a column.

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