
Features list of the JDBC Admin web application:

  • Simple JDBC connection, the connection is retrieved using the DriverManager. The Driver jar file can be uploaded to the server
  • DataSource JDBC connection, the connection is retrieved using a DataSource object. Using this feature, JDBC Admin web application can use an application server connection pool.
  • Select a table from available schemas
  • Browse the table lines
  • The update/delete/insert of lines from a table

Configuration path

The application's configuration is centralized in an XML file.

By default, the application uses the configuration file located in the WAR file, under this path :

However, it is possible to change the configuration without updating the WAR file :

  1. The System property : The configuration file path can be specified in the java property :

    . To specify a System property, you must indicate it at the virtual machine startup with the '-D' parameter. For example :

  2. The JNDI resource : The file path can be specified using a JNDI resource named


The configuration file is first searched in the System properties, then in the JNDI resources and finaly in the WAR file..



The <jdbcadmin> element is the root element of the configuration. A label attribute can be specified and is diplayed in the left frame menu.


The configuration of the JDBC connection.

Two connections mode are provided :

  • User mode the user can specify its own JDBC connection
  • Param mode the configuration is specified in the configuration file and cannot be updated by the application user.

The connection mode is specified using the mode attribute of the connection element, the values are param or user. In the user mode, values specified in the configuration file are used as default values.

The folowing table lists all of the possible child elements.

driverThe JDBC driver class name
urlThe JDBC URL of the database
userNameThe username used to connect the database
userPasswordThe database user's password
dataSourceJndiNameThe JNDI name of the data source

If the dataSourceJndiName is specified, other elements are ignored.


The configuration of the authorized schemas and tables. The restrictive attribute indicates whether the configuration specifies the schemas and tables that are hidden (value true) or indicates the schemas and tables that are visibles (value false).


Specifify whether the schema named with the name attribute is hidden (restrictive="true") or visible (restrictive="false").

The totalAction boolean (true/false) attribute indicates whether the schema is totaly visible|hidden or not.


Specifify whether the table named with the name attribute is hidden (restrictive="true") or visible (restrictive="false").